The Kaiser Family Foundation/Health Research & Educational Trust (HRET) 2015 Employer Health Benefits Survey has been released, which offers one of the richest repositories of publicly available employee benefits data, with access to historical survey reports going back to 1998 that provide context for trends.

Here's key takeaway data they emphasize from this year's report: "Since 2005, premiums have grown an average of 5 percent each year, compared to 11 percent annually between 1999 and 2005...The average annual premium for single coverage is $6,251, of which workers on average pay $1,071. The average family premium is $17,545, with workers on average contributing $4,955....Since 2010, both the share of workers with deductibles and the size of those deductibles have increased sharply. These two trends together result in a 67 percent increase in deductibles since 2010, much faster than the rise in single premiums (24%) and about seven times the rise in workers' wages (10%) and general inflation (9%)."

The Healthsprocket lists have just been posted regarding employer premium costs, based on the 2015 survey data:
2015 Average Employer Monthly Single Premiums by Plan Type
2015 Avg Employer Single Monthly Premium by Industry Type
Average Employer Annual Premiums for Single Coverage, 1999-2015